SIPP Contribution Form

Step 1 of 3 - Personal Details

This should match your passport







We’ll use your mobile number in case we have any questions about your SIPP Contribution Form.

Step 2 of 3 - Contribution Details

You will need to submit a Direct Debit form which will be available once you’ve submitted this form.

Please note that it will take around 3-5 working days from receipt of payment for the funds to be available in your SIPP account.

Our bank details will be available once you've submitted this form.

Please note that it will take around 3-5 working days from receipt of payment for the funds to be available in your SIPP account.

All cheques should be made payable to Sippdeal Trustees Limited re (Your name). Please send your cheque to SIPPdeal Trustees Ltd, 4 Exchange Quay, Salford Quays, Manchester, M5 3EE

Please note that it will take up to five working days from receipt of cheque for the funds to be available in your SIPP account.

I will be paying personal contributions

All member contributions are payable net of basic rate tax (20%). We will reclaim basic rate tax from HMRC and credit it to your SIPP. If you pay tax at a higher rate, you can claim any further tax relief via self-assessment.

Personal contributions can be paid by yourself or by someone on your behalf.


My employer will be paying contributions

All employer contributions are payable gross.


I will be paying personal monthly contributions

All member contributions are payable net of basic rate tax (20%). We will reclaim basic rate tax from HMRC and credit it to your SIPP. If you pay tax at a higher rate, you can claim any further tax relief via self-assessment.

Personal contributions can be paid by yourself or by someone on your behalf.


My employer will be paying monthly contributions

All employer contributions are payable gross.

Where an employer intends to pay regular contributions by Direct Debit, payments MUST be made from a UK bank or building society account in the employer’s name.


Employer details

Please use your employer’s registered address

Step 3 of 3 - Declaration

I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the details provided in this form are correct, complete and not misleading.

I further declare that:

a) I (or the member if this declaration is being made by a parent or responsible person) am under age 75 and am a relevant UK individual under section 189 of Finance Act 2004;

b) The total of the member contributions paid to this scheme and to other registered pension schemes, on which I (or the member if this declaration is being made by a parent or responsible person) am entitled to tax relief, under section 188 of Finance Act 2004, will not exceed, in any tax year, the higher of:

i. The basic amount (£3,600 gross for the 2024/25 tax year); or

ii. 100% of my (or the member if this declaration is being made by a parent or responsible person) relevant UK earnings as defined in Section 189 of Finance Act 2004 in that tax year;

c) The declaration in b) is correction, to the best of my knowledge and belief;

d) I will give notice to the Scheme Administrator if an event occurs, as a result which I (or the member if this declaration is being made by a parent or responsible person) will no longer be entitled to relief on member contributions, under section 188 of Finance Act 2004. I will give this notice by the later of:

i. 5th April in the year of assessment in which the event occurs; and

ii. the date which is 30 days after the occurrence of that event.