When your payment holiday ends, you can simply choose to continue to pay your new monthly amount and spread the cost across the rest of your mortgage. If you do this, the total amount you pay back on your mortgage will be greater as interest will be charged on a higher mortgage balance.
If you pay by Direct Debit – you don’t need to do anything. We’ll change the amount you pay each month and collect it as usual when it’s due.
If you cancelled your Direct Debit - you’ll need to set up another one to cover your new monthly amount, before your next payment is due.
If you pay by standing order – you’ll need to restart your monthly payments before the next one is due. It’s important to remember to do this to make sure that your account doesn’t fall into arrears.
If you have an interest-only mortgage – you should make sure that you have enough money put aside to repay the higher balance when your term ends.