Should you rent, or are you ready to buy a home?

There’s a lot to consider when making the decision to rent or buy. We’ve gathered all the important details for you to compare the benefits and drawbacks of renting or buying with ease.

Rent or buy?

We’re here to offer help at any stage

How much does it cost to rent?

To help you understand the cost of renting, we have gathered all the helpful information you’ll need.

How much rent can I afford?

What credit score do I need to rent?

What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?

Do you pay council tax when renting?

Questions to ask when viewing a rental property

Find out some of the key questions to ask when viewing your next rental property.

Questions to ask

You've found your rental property

Learn about the checks you need to provide documentation for, before you move in.

References for renting explained

Who can be a guarantor?

You're in!

Get clued up on what your landlord is responsible for and how to deal with issues that could arise.

What is your landlord responsible for?

Complaining about issues with your landlord

Ending your tenancy

If you decide to leave your current tenancy we’re here to help.

Here’s the best way to let your landlord know you’re leaving and the process of getting your deposit back.

Return of your rental deposit

Protect the things you love

Find out about the range of contents insurance we can offer you in a rental property.

Contents insurance

Is it time to buy?


Thinking of buying your first home?

If you are considering stepping onto the property ladder, we are here to make your journey as simple as possible.

First time buyer help and guidance


Virtual first time buyer events

We’re running free online events for first time buyers where our mortgage experts will tell you everything you need to know about the homebuying journey.

First time buyer events

You could lose your home if you don’t keep up your mortgage repayments